Loving King in His Four Gardens

The King of kings is a loving King. His kingdom is unlike any other, for like Him, His kingdom is filled with sounds, sights adn actions of love. His powerful and heart rendering story is best understood by journeying through His four gardens.

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Angelic Visitation

Prior to this day we had been tested, sifted and broken. Before teh meeting I creid out to the Lord for His strength and help. As we worshipped the Lord at our meeting in August 2007, the presence of the Lord grew stronger and stronger and stonger.

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Time to Worship in the Holy of Holies

Mention the word “worship” in Australia today and what do you think of? Does your mind go to the descriptions of heavens worship found scattered throughout the book of Revelation? Do you think of it in terms of “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs”? Or perhaps King David’s contribution to worship? Or maybe your mind goes straight to Australia’s contributions from Hillsong, Planet Shakers and the like?

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Al-Aqsa Flood, Red Heifers, & War for Prayer Movement?

Is there a connection between the Hamas massacre, the Al-Aqsa mosque on temple mount, raising red heifers, what Jesus said about the temple, and the crisis in the global prayer movement? Israel's history is forever marked by October 7, 2023. After the bloodbath, Hamas revealed their operation was called: Al-Aqsa Flood”. How does the mosque in Jerusalem relate to Gaza and the massacre? On the surface? Not much. Dig deeper and you find intricate connections. For starters—five red heifers are nearly ready for sacrifice—a signal the 3 temple could be rebuilt soon!

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Has the Church Replaced Israel? NO! Series on Romans.

Has God rejected and replaced Israel [with the Church]? "Certainly not", said Paul in Romans 11:1
God has a different call for the nation of Israel and that of the gentiles. If we do not understand this, we fall for  "Replacement Theology". Replacement Theology can have attachment to anti-Semetism. On the other hand, if we do not undersatnd the different call of Jews and gentiles we can hinder or even miss the release of worldwide revival!  Romans holds the keys!

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About Us

The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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