Al-Aqsa Flood, Red Heifers, & War for Prayer Movement?

Is there a connection between the Hamas massacre, the Al-Aqsa mosque on temple mount, raising red heifers, what Jesus said about the temple, and the crisis in the global prayer movement? Israel's history is forever marked by October 7, 2023. After the bloodbath, Hamas revealed their operation was called: Al-Aqsa Flood”. How does the mosque in Jerusalem relate to Gaza and the massacre? On the surface? Not much. Dig deeper and you find intricate connections. For starters—five red heifers are nearly ready for sacrifice—a signal the 3 temple could be rebuilt soon!

 AlAqsa War for Prayer Houses

Days after Israel’s massacre, the prayer movement was plunged into its own crisis. Allegations of immorality by the IHOPKC leadership were made public. Several months prior, this organisation had mobilised millions of Christians to pray for Israel. As Israel was dealing with her own calamity, the prayer movement was plunged into turmoil.

Is there any connection between the war with Hamas, Jesus teaching about house of prayer on Temple Mount, and now the shaking of a significant prayer house? Are these events connected to the spiritual war for civilization? Was the timing simply a coincidence? Are we witnessing a major war for Yahweh’s house of prayer—both physically and spiritually? What is the Lord saying? Is our holy God, the devouring fire—speaking loudly to Israel and His church? Is this judgment of the house of God?

On a certain level, these heartbreaking circumstances are complex. Yet on another level, there is a simple message from Scripture: the Lord will not share His glory with anyone else. His Word—both to Israel, and to the Church is this: He will not allow His holy name to be defiled, polluted, or dishonoured. His righteous name is at stake.

       “For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” (Isaiah 26:9b) “I will make sure that my holy name is acknowledged among my people Israel, and I will make sure that my holy name is no longer allowed to be profaned. Then the nations will know that I am YAHWEH, the Holy One of Israel.” (Ezekiel 39:7 TPT)

In some respects, the IHOPKC situation feels a bit like déjà vu. Despite some differences, it evokes memories of my own painful journey 30 years ago. As I ache for Israel and friends there, I also watch friends and family struggle through the IHOPKC crisis, and similar tragedies here—I am watching, praying—and in travail. 


Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for the feasts. There He often preached and healed, in the courts of the second temple—today’s Temple Mount. Having ridden from Mount of Olives by donkey and then welcomed by the crowds, Jesus drove out moneychangers from the temple courts.

Standing in the only place gentiles could go in the Temple precinct, Jesus quoted from Isaiah 56 and Jeremiah 7 and declared His Father’s house of worship would be a house of prayer for all nations.[1]In the original Isaiah passage, the Lord was speaking to foreigners (gentiles) who love and serve Him. “I will welcome you into My holy mountain... I will accept every sacrifice and offering that you place on my altar, for My house of worship will be known as a house of prayer for all people.” (Isaiah 56:7 TPT)

Consider this. The site God chose for a house of prayer is the most contentious place on earth! It is clearly a spiritual and physical war zone! Man and demons contend for the site chosen by the Creator of the universe as a place for His habitation![2]

When identifying Father’s house is to be a house of prayer and worship, Jesus also invoked the memory of Jeremiah’s prophecy by the phrase, “den of thieves”. Jeremiah challenged Israel’s repeated chant; “The temple of Yahweh”. They invoked the name of Solomon’s temple like a charm to keep them safe. “The temple of Yahweh is here, so we are safe.” (Jeremiah 7:4 TPT) The Lord challenged their duality of heart. “You steal, murder, commit adultery… and go after other gods, and then come and stand in My presence? You think you can come into this house called by My name and say, “we are safe!”—only to keep doing all these things? (Jeremiah 7:8-11TPT) The temple had become a den of thieves! “Behold, I, even I, have seen it," says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 7:11

Israel was called to amend their ways, and to go check out the rubble at Shiloh where the tabernacle had once stood—a reminder of the consequences of His name being insulted. With the backdrop of Jeremiah, Luke 19 records that just prior to the challenge Jesus made the temple being like a den of thieves, Jesus had wept over Jerusalem. Like Jeremiah, Jesus prophesied destruction of Jerusalem. Why? Israel had missed Messiah’s day of visitation! The word of Jesus was fulfilled in 70 AD when Roman soldiers, under the command of Titus, destroyed the second temple and the city.

Years later, Islam filled the space. Islam originated around 610 A.D and built Al-Aqsa Mosque between 685 and 715 AD. Muslims believe around 681 AD; Muhammad was miraculously transported from Mecca to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount (Qurʾān 17:1 al-aqṣā, “the farther place of worship”), and then ascended to heaven from there. [3]

The word of Jesus will be fulfilled! A physical house of worship and prayer will be built on temple mount, and spiritually built across the globe. BUT. God’s righteous plumb line is without compromise—for Israel, for the church, and houses of prayer. We cannot hide our dubious duplicitous stuff from Him. How can we warfare over the biggest battleground on earth (Israel) when we have chinks in our armour? How can we eradicate false gods from society or from land allotted to the righteous, if we have not removed duality from our hearts, or reverenced HIs Holy Name?


Long before Jesus stood on Jerusalem’s Mount Moriah, Mount Zion is the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells (Isaiah 8:18; Isaiah 24:23 Psalm 2:6 Psalm 74:2). King David wrote of the Lord’s choice of the site.

Keep reading and the following verses reveal the spiritual battle for this site. “See how the mighty kings united to come against Zion, yet when they saw God manifest in front of their eyes, they were stunned. Trembling, they all fled away…” (v6)

The Psalm finishes with these telling words: “For this is the city of the Commander of Angel Armies, the city of our God, safe and secure forever!”

This city belongs to the Lord of Hosts—Adonai Tzvaot. Invoking that name suggest the angelic hosts are active to ensure His city is eternally safe and secure. Why is God’s army needed? Because someone else also wants it. A very jealous someone who is revealed in Isaiah 14!

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! [13] For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north” (Isaiah 14:12-13 NKJV)

This is the same language as Psalm 48. Mt Zion, on the north side of Jerusalem. Lucifer, the serpent of old, the dragon—wants to oust God from His own city! Recalling these Scriptures is crucial as we consider today’s conflict.


Today the Temple Mount is the most contentious piece of real estate on the planet. Though the site of sacrifices of Abraham, David and two Jewish temples, today, Jews cannot pray there. Most fear any attempt to build the 3rd temple will spark WW3.

The Hamas choice of Al-Aqsa Flood’ as a slogan for its wartime rhetoric is no accident. It summarizes their attempt to flood all Israel with genocide, and remove every Jew, and, especially, the Holy One of Israel from His land—to prove their god is ‘greater’! Hence the phrase used in jihad; “Allah Akbar”, meaning “Allah is greater”.

Since entering Gaza, the IDF have exposed an extensive tunnel network—reportedly 160% larger than the London underground! They have found extensive caches of weaponry under, and in, schools, hospitals and mosques—even a weapons factory! Documents found include specific plans to destroy all of Israel with many symbols and words referencing Al-Aqsa. Also found were Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and millions of dollars in cash.

Children from a Jerusalem UNWRA school said: “We are taught that Al-Aqsa and all of Palestine is ours.”[4]
Mosab Hassan Yousef - son of Hamas leader Hassan Yousef, says; “Hamas wants an Islamic state built on the rubble of the state of Israel…and they don’t just want it in Israel—they want it globally.”[5]


From 1948 to 1967, the fledgling state of Israel held only West Jerusalem. In the 1967 war, they reclaimed East Jerusalem and surprisingly, even took the Temple Mount. However, they were quickly ordered to give it back to Jordan whose appointed Waqf manages the Al-Aqsa compound. Supposedly, Israel did this as a bargaining chip! Really? How has that gone?

The status quo, which currently holds authority over the Temple Mount, traces its roots back to the Ottoman Empire. “It is a status quo rooted in the site’s administration under the Ottoman Empire, which dictated that Muslims have exclusive control of Al-Aqsa”.[6]

To this day, Temple Mount still falls under the enforcement of Ottoman Turk rule! The original Islamic caliphate still has a hold on Temple Mount! This is a vital point to remember. These are the roots of the conflict faced over establishing a house of prayer on Temple Mount—and perhaps in other nations too?

The Ottoman Empire ruled the whole Middle East from about 1300 to 1923. It began to be driven from the Promised Land during WW1 by the British Empire including the ANZACS (Australia & New Zealand forces). [7]

It is no secret that Turkey desires to re-establish the Ottoman Empire as the Islamic caliphate. The slogan of “Al-Aqsa Flood” for October 7th massacre feeds into the much bigger objective as suggested by the son of Hamas—annihilation of Israel, and building an Islamic caliphate. Political spin says the land of Israel is ‘contested’ and ‘occupied’. But Hamas are not interested in a separate state. They want to obliterate the Jewish state. Temple Mount is at the heart of wiping Israel from the map—and establish their worldwide caliphate!

These implications go beyond Jerusalem, and show the vulnerability, and key role of the houses of prayer worldwide. It is a spiritual battle. Which God will people bow to, worship, pray to, and serve?


According to Yisahi Fletcher, spokesperson for the Hebron settler community, the 'Al-Aqsa flood' attack on October 7th was driven by the fear held in the Islamic world, that the Temple will soon be rebuilt. He cites the raising of the five red heifers as the reason for the Hamas atrocities. (Availability for sacrifice maybe by Passover 2024?)

Yisahi Fletcher says, “the Temple Mount is not meant to be the heart of jihad but the heart of prayer and worship” to Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.” He suggests that Israel always back peddles because they are afraid to admit they want to rebuild the temple because it would start WW3. He suggests it is time for Israel to be bold, unapologetic, and state, yes temple mount is vital, and yes we intend to build the temple![8]


It is illegal and dangerous for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.

On 29 October 2014, Rabbi Yehudah Glick, the head of the Temple Mount Faithful organization, miraculously survived an assassination attempt, shortly after finishing a speech entitled “Israel returns to the Temple Mount.” [9]

I remember this incident vividly because we were in Israel and in proximity to it. Hours before the shooting, we had visited a harp player who was located near to where Glick was shot. As we returned to our accommodation, a squad of well-armed riot police passed us. Soon after this there were sirens, helicopters, and shouting outside our window. The air was thick with menace—as the gunman was loose! It was the only occasion I have felt afraid in Israel. The next morning the murderer was shot.

While in hospital, Glick was visited by Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau, and spoke of what the assassin said before pulling the trigger: “He came up to me, stood in front of me... He said to me, ‘I’m really sorry, but you are an enemy of Al-Aqsa’, and shot me twice. [10]

Why did Glick, a former Knesset member, receive the label of an extremist right-wing activist and be called "“the most dangerous man in the Middle East.[11] by the police? Glick advocates for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount—oh yes, and rebuilding the temple!

Glick actively participates in the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, attended by Christians and Jews, and that we have twice had the privilege of attending in Australia. People labelling Glick as 'extreme' and 'a threat', not just to Al-Aqsa but to the whole Middle East, demonstrate the power of prayer and the impact a House of Prayer would have when built on the Temple Mount!


Reflect on this thought: a house of prayer for all nations, built to honour and commune with the Holy One of Israel is a threat to the whole of the Middle East? It is résistance to an Islamic caliphate? I guess these sentiments are really a backhanded compliment! But it does require: conviction, courage, and dependence on Adonai Tzvaot to help!

Have we considered the ancient taproot of the caliphate when (a) praying for Israel and (b) establishing our houses of prayer? Houses of prayer are a threat to high-ranking principalities that rule the kingdom of darkness!  

While finishing this article, Emma Stark recorded on Global Prophetic Alliance of seeing in Spirit an army of dark principalities and powers marching like an Islamic pilgrimage to take land to stir anti-Christ anti-Semitism.[12] What she described sounded like a spiritual version of October 7th, with its vicious, bloodthirsty determination to establish the caliphate. She spoke of the Lord calling a remnant to contend in this clash of kingdoms.

No wonder the Lord is calling us to upgrade, lift our vision, and arise as Ekklesia, a legislative army to rule and reign with King Jesus. This is both encouraging and sobering news. It is the call to come higher and dig deeper—just as the IDF have had to. It also makes us prime targets—like the soldiers in Gaza. We must contend for and build His house of prayer!

Believers can get flippant and presumptuous in quoting the victory of Jesus. Like Israel on Oct 7th, we too can get caught off guard by the vicious brutality of the enemy. The accuser is a legalist and keeps accurate records. I would suggest he knows what has been brought to the cross and what hasn’t! He knows our vulnerabilities and the best time to strike. Along with a lifestyle of repentance, we must go deeper into the blood and name of Jesus, embracing His dunamis power to our inner and corporate life to develop and sustain integrity, and credibility.

There is a saying that warns ministries to be aware of three vulnerabilities: ‘gold, girls (guys) and glory’. Other issues also make God’s people vulnerable: orphan hearts, insecurity, jealousy, resentment, take-over and so on.

We are in a dangerous season of end time warfare. A vicious war is unfolding to discredit and destroy the church just when it is needed most! Turmoil in the prayer movement is not just limited to Kansas City. Here in Australia there are worship, prayer and deliverance ministries also shaking under intense scrutiny. While the issues are varied, when trust is broken, and pain intense, it is too easy to become bitter, blame God and join the accuser in pointing the finger.


Revenge and backlash often occur against ministries, especially after completing strategic assignments. Counterattack is real, though not the only reason for trouble.  

Prior to the October 7th massacre, IHOPKC had successfully mobilized millions of Christians to pray and fast for Israel. The amount of prayer for Israel was unprecedented. In hindsight, the call to prayer demonstrated exceptional prophetic foresight. The timing of the convergence of prayer likely contributed to Hamas prematurely carrying out Iran’s plans to overwhelm Israel from every border. I believe IHOPKC's prayer and fasting initiative played a significant role in curbing a much bigger genocide that was planned.

Though sinful behaviour at IHOPKC reportedly went back decades, the timing of it becoming public was rather curious. Why now? Was it backlash? We know of other ministries currently suffering major shakeups and they too propose backlash and revenge is their problem.

In recent dreams, the Lord has shown me high-ranking and sophisticated witchcraft targeting leaders—especially of prayer, worship and deliverance ministries. I have also heard testimony of covens specifically targeting the marriages of ministries. In one such case, they could not break through a leader's very strong prayer shield. In another situation, I am certain that the key leader fell into sin because those closest to them were unaware of the need for such prayer cover.

Over a decade ago, we started toward building 24 /7 prayer and worship in our city. The resistance has been immense. In a dream, the Lord revealed the strongman of our city opposes a united 24/7-prayer house. If the city of Bendigo has experienced such resistance to a house of prayer without denominational boundaries—how much more on the Temple Mount?

We must first recognise these are principalities—not just low ranked demons to be bound, or cast out. We must increase our defences and upgrade our prayer cover to protect marriages, health, and finances of leaders, their co-leaders, and workers around them. Prayer shields are not just a good idea—they are imperative.


“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God…” (1 Peter 4:17)

Is it possible God is judging the nations while also wooing and disciplining both Israel and the church so His people return to His embrace, abide in His vine, bow and worship Him alone?

Like a canary in a coalmine—what occurs in Israel often spotlights issues God is highlighting. Nations will be, and are, judged according to how they treat Israel. That plumbline has dropped. Nations are in the valley of decision.

Simultaneously, judgment, and discipline is evident in God’s own house. In a season of everything being shaken, sin of any shade cannot hide. “For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” (Isaiah 26:9b)

Shakings are to ensure only righteousness is left. Hebrews 12 holds vital advice;

  • Get wounds and besetting sins healed and sorted v1
  • Eyes on Jesus—and how He endured persecution v 2
  • His discipline is an invite to holiness! V5-10
  • Develop a lifestyle of gratitude, pure worship and fear of the Lord[13]

Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel spoke a recurring theme. When Israel forsakes the Lord and embraces other gods, they endure: famine, plagues, and finally, exile. After many years, the Lord will restore Israel back to her land, forever! He then judge the nations who treated her badly.[14] The heart of Israel is also cleansed. He repeatedly says He does this process—for the sake of His holy name!

His holy name is at stake when unrighteousness takes place!

The focus of Ezekiel’s message is the honour of the Lord’s name. (Forget for a moment end time timelines.) “I have been greatly concerned about My holy name… I am going to magnify the holiness of My great name…And when I magnify My holiness in you before their eyes, the nations will know that I am YAHWEH. I, Lord YAHWEH, have spoken.’ ” (Ezekiel 36:21-23 TPT)

When Israel and the Church exemplify His holy name in their every day lives, nations will take God seriously!


God could easily remove the mosque from the Temple Mount. He could easily raise up enough houses of prayer in every city and nation to annihilate wicked kingdoms. But does the opposition we face, actually serve as reminders of wounds that need healing, and idols that need removing from our hearts?

The house of prayer is the new wine skin—but it must not be a den for the thief in our hearts. What are some of these thieves?[15]

  • Idols of heart. Do we value gifts more than character? Do we blur the line between honoring a great leader and idolizing them? This is too easy to do. I know because 30 years ago I did this. I have firsthand experience with the consequences and heartbreak when we place a leader, anointing, a building, or ministry on a pedestal. The line is fine and subtle. We often walk straight over it because we can’t see it—until we hit trouble!
  • Thieving His glory. Some deep part in the unhealed heart wants the attention on us rather than what belongs to Him: orphan hearts. unhealed hurts, rejection, jealousy, offence, bitterness, un-forgiveness.
  • Righteous Integrity: money, sexuality, gossip, slander etc

There has been tremendous growth in, and much wonderful work done through the global prayer movement. A transition is now occurring. As kingdoms clash, greater maturity is needed for higher-level warfare

Perhaps these judgements and shakings serve as reminders that defilements weaken our ability to resist the enemy? We cannot have Him plus something else. Loving Him with all our heart strengthens us.

Are we witnessing both a physical and spiritual war over building Father’s house of prayer and worship? Are we witnessing a global contention for the manifestation of the new wine skin—houses of prayer where all nations will bow, worship and pray to the Holy One of Israel? Is the purity of Father’s house of prayer being birthed and refined in the fire of adversity?

Labour pain is the most intense pain. Sure it brings great joy. But birthing comes with blood, sweat, tears, shouting and even tearing. This new wineskin of the kingdom is birthed with travail—not a planning committee. Father’s house of prayer not only challenges the anti-Christ world, it is also confronts our religious mindsets, and traditions.

For believers in Jesus—prayer and worship is so basic to our faith we can, and sadly, have often, taken them for granted. Has this caused us to become blasé to the extreme viciousness of the enemy?

The likes of Yehuda Glick and Yisahi Fletcher are prepared to pay the price for a physical house of prayer because of their passion for God. What a challenge to us in the church. Are we willing to risk everything to build the spiritual houses of prayer and worship? Is the Christian church ready to be honest, bold and unapologetic in pursuing integrity of heart, and standing for righteousness—before God and man? Are we ready to let go of church as usual, of prioritising buildings, and denominations and shift to a kingdom mindset?

Is the prayer movement equipped for a confrontation between kingdoms?
We must sure up;

  • Knowledge of the Holy One of Israel. Honour His name behind closed doors not just on a platform. Fear and submit to Him.
  • Prayer shields in place, and understand the workings of high-ranking principalities. These are not lowly demons trying to dismantle the global prayer movement.
  • Cleanse prayer houses from being a ‘den of thieves’! Credibility of money, property, and intellectual property. Gossip and slander as akin to murder. All sexual sins starting with pornography. Idols of heart by placing leaders and gifts on pedestals. Integrity matters. (Psalm 24:2-5) Work through Hebrews 12.
  • Upgrade how we pray: what Father is saying—not presumption. Learn to legislate in the Spirit—as led by Holy Spirit. Stop slapping Scriptural Band-Aids to physical or spiritual ‘broken legs’ and broken hearts. Severe wounds from a fierce war need expert care.
  • House of prayer are the new wineskin. Build with His wisdom.
  • Be properly aligned with and stand with Israel.
  • Remember Jesus warned we would be persecuted because we are His disciples!

 © 2024 Ruth Webb

This article also taught on radio as per video above.


Ruth Married to Laurence. They have two children and three grandchildren. Together in 2003, they co-founded Tabernacle of David, Bendigo. Ruth is an apostolic-prophetic psalmist, author, teacher of music and the Word, has a weekly radio program, and has produced several worship albums.


[1] Matthew 21:13 Luke 19:46 Mark 11:15-17

[2] “Lord, you have chosen Zion as your dwelling place, for your pleasure is fulfilled in making it your home. 14 I hear you say, “I will make this place my eternal dwelling, for I have loved and desired it as my very own!” (Psalm 132:13-14 TPT)

[3]Al-Aqsa Flood”

[4] East Jerusalem UNRWA School

[5] Son of Hamas Leader Reveals What Hamas Want & How To Defeat Them

[6]Al-Aqsa Status Quo”

[7] A huge subject covered by important books: Jill Curry: “The ANZAC CallBeersheba 100th Anniversary”; Kelvin Crombie “ANZACS, Empires and Israel’s Restoration”, “ANZACS and Israel”

[8] and




[12] Word of the Lord 2024: Power Hour Episode 275 - 35 minute mark

[13] “Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!” 28 Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe. [29] For our God is a holy, devouring fire! (Hebrews 12:26,28-29 TPT)

[14] Ezekiel 36:7

[15] Based on Jeremiah 7

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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