Throne-room worship - in a time of war
- FRIDAY 26th Oct 7:30 - 10 pm
- SATURDAY 27th Oct 1 - 5 pm
"Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle—" (Psalm 144:1)
The Lord has brought us to the kingdom for such a times as this. He has been preparing each us for such a day as this. Since that horrific day of October 7th, not just in Israel, but in most nations of the West, we are seeing things we probably hoped we would not see in our lifetime. The Lord has called and equipped us for such a time as this: worshipping warriors combining worship and intercession and various articstic expressions.
Our monthly meeting this weekend will be a little different. There will be no 'guest speaker' or teaching...but worship and intercesion alone. We will alternate between our usual throne-room worship, and also be leading worship as we link globally.
In the spirit of 2 Chron 20:20-24, we are in faith for a 24/ 7 worship intervention as we lock shields of faith across the globe in worship, prayer and decrees.
For those attending at High St Church, Bendigo. Just come at these times.
- FRIDAY 26th Oct 7:30 - 10 pm
- SATURDAY 27th oct 1 - 5 pm
For those wishing to zoom - you will need two different numbers. The sessions will begin with our normal number.
For further details re zoom you will need to contact us.