Bruce Lindley: Standing with Israel

Friday 17th May 2024: 7:30 pm  High St Church, Bendigo.
Apostle Bruce Lindley: ARC global 

Join us as we link shields and stand shoulder to shoulder, interceding for Israel, and especially for the uprooting of anti-Semitism from our nation! We have all seen the horrendous footage, first of the massacre in Israel on Ocober 7th, and now, uneblievably, our own streets filled with people chanting slogans which are calling for the annhiliation of the Jewish people. After the holocaust it was said "never again". Well that  "never again" is NOW! #NeverAgainIsNow! 

We must pray. We must speak. We must learn the truth. Let not our grandchildren discover that we could have done something and didnt. 

This is a spiritual battle and the weapons of our warfare begin in intercession and worship. Over the last decade the Lord has been warning us of a 'second holocaust', and calling us to provide protection over the Jewish people through our intercession and worship, but also in bringing comfort to the Jewish people. (Isa 40:1) 


BRUCE (and Cheryl) Lindley are international apostolic leaders who build the body of Christ around the world. They lead ARC Global (an International Community of Apostles and Prophets), equip emerging apostles and prophets. Bruce has written 5 books including  and "A Whole New Era - Emerging Apostles and Prophets Today" and "The Father’s Love - An Encounter with God the Father."  The nation of Israel is close to their hearts, and they are often in the land on prayer assignments.  

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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