Throne-room Worship: Path through the Storm
SATURDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 1:00 PM Join us for apostolic and prophetic worship, intercession, updates, and words of encouragement. Safe path through the middle of the storm! Overcome the dragon by the blood of the Lamb. Nations healed from leaves of trees by His river!
Overcome the dragon by the blood of the Lamb.
Nations are from leaves of trees by His river!
As war drums beat ever louder in Israel, across the Middle East and other nations like Ukraine and threats in Taiwan, during this “year of the dragon”; we must press even more into what it means to overcome by the blood of Lamb. (Revelation 12)
Whether it is: War in Israel / Temple Mount and The red heifer ready to be sacrifices / Year of dragon / Contention for prayer movement: we need more of the blood of the Lamb and the River of Life!
When major principalities are exerting their power, we are encouraged that Jesus Messiah arises to judge rebellious nations, and shatter the strongholds of ruling powers. (Psalm 110) What should be our heart posture? What is our role?
Early this week I had a dream about the major water spring of our soul—and the Lord was saying we must ensure it is healthy. It is too easy to presume it is healthy, when in fact it may have become neglected. We must allow the Lord to examine and evaluate our hearts. He is calling us to put our roots deep into His River of life, which flows from the throne of God. It is only here there is healing for the nations! How many are suffering from war, and disease?
“In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” (Revelation 22:2)
Wherever our roots are not deep in Him, we need to repent and allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse from all sin. Here lays the key to overcoming the accuser. Every time we apply His blood to sin and waywardness, and then overcome, we have a testimony of what the blood has done for us.
“Jesus Christ is the One who was revealed as God’s Son by his water baptism and by the blood of his cross—not by water only, but by water and blood. And the Spirit, who is truth, confirms this with his testimony. [8] the Spirit, the water, and the blood. And these three are in agreement.” (1 John 5:6,8 TPT)
According to Psalm 91 – there is a safe path through the middle of the storm!
Last week in Melbourne, and even across the whole of Victoria, we were impacted by a deadly combination of hot winds, followed by hurricane wind and horizontal rain. Power lines and trees came down causing blackouts, and a major bushfire wiping out dozens of homes. We had a very large drive across Melbourne at this very time. BUT GOD! Though traffic lights were out on major intersections, and we had to divert our route because of trees across roads—we missed the worst rain and wind. He provided a path through it. The worst of the storm bypassed us! What an encouraging reassuring picture of Psalm 91 for us all in the season we have entered!