29th September Feast of Tabernacles & Harp

These last few weeks have seen many "wow - God" moments.
DON'T MISS Saturday 29th September 1:00 pm

  • Throne-room Worship  

  • Feast of Tabernacles Celebration - Warrior Bride

  • Testimonies of Homecoming

  • Bendigo - China assignment

  • Harp Release

 Feast of Tabernacles is still to be fulfilled. The Feast of Tabernacles is about God's presence dwelling with us, the final ingathering and the marriage supper of the Lamb. A powerful prophetic act took place in Adelaide last week...we will share this amazing story with pictures. 

Some of us attended "Homecoming" in Cairns and Adelaide in last couple of weeks. 
Homecoming has released practical healing of orphan hearts in many nations - starting with repentance and healing of deep individual and national pain. We will share some powerful testimony.

Harp Ministry
We have purchased a harp. 
It is significant for this season in God. Our harp minsitry will be launched during Feast of Tabernacles. 
Read our article about the significance of the harp in this season. As we release the harp this week, we will affirm this importance. 

Bendigo - China Circle.  
During our Passover this year, we played a video clip of Chinese repenting for releasing the dragon in Bendigo. 
The Jewish man who instigated this was in Bendigo last week to complete the circle. Again with footage we will share amazing things that only God could orchestrate.

About Us

The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

Contact Us

Contact Details: PO BOX 133 EagleHawk VIC 3556