Bonhoeffer and Today

Comparing Nze Germany to Today through eyes of Bonhoeffer 2

Bonhoeffer is a most read theoogian, who was executed in the final days of Nazi Germany. 
His works have been important documents for the Church to develop disicples; but recent biography by Eric Metaxas is almost like reading the daily newspaper. Are there lessons for us today? 

This FOUR PART series addresses some important issues - from Bonhoeffer's perspective.  

1. How did the Nazis come to power and not be resisted by the Church?

2. The condition and challenges to the German Church during The Nazi regime

3. The Jewish Question

4. When Obeying both God and Man becomes a Problem: Romans 13







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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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