Australia's Time

It is Australia’s time.
The signs are everywhere. Visions, circumstances and multiple prophetic voices across the globe; all confirming “watch Australia, it is Australia’s time.” The prayer bowls are filling. The spiritual tide is rising. The season has changed. His suddenlies have begun. If you are from another nation, stand with us. If you are Australian, receive His call.           AUSTRALIAS TIME

It is time for Australia to rouse from spiritual passivity. Time to awaken to fulfill call and destiny. Time to sit at the table of the Lord’s legislative assembly. Time to be in position to ride the glory wave—from revival to reformation. Time to not just speak about, but walk by faith as one of the Southlands of the Holy Spirit.

Across the world, kingdoms are clashing violently. We see it in culture wars, academia, media, politics, families and even the Church. How many political fights impact the family as ordained by God? As darkness aggressively reacts to the glory of the Lord, we His people must arise as His ekklesia. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done as it is in heaven.”

Early in the year, Peter and Kathryn Yaxley were directed by the Lord to pray at key gates in the state of Victoria. Victoria, the southeast corner of mainland Australia, has witnessed some of the bloodiest racism, rebellion, and fiercest opposition to the Lord. Yet the state holds rich and powerful authority and potential. Preceding the Welsh revival, Melbourne had a powerful move of God.

While the 2018 “Gateway Prayer tour” was in Bendigo (our city is the geographical centre of Victoria), I had a vision of the Crown of the Lord. It symbolized His authority over Victoria. The crown was falling off His head. Men and demons have been rebuffing His authority. But in the vision, I saw that as the prayer journey continued around Victoria, His crown was returned to its proper place on His head, and this would in turn, have a large impact on the whole nation of Australia.

After this the Lord spoke to me strongly about the Church arising to be His “Ekklesia” or His legislative assembly.

“…this truth of who I am will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly, and the power of death will not be able to overpower it! 19 I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18,19 TPT)

As I taught on this Scripture, an intercessor had a vision of the mace or scepter being broken out of the hand of Victoria’s current political leader. (Incidentally, if this were to occur, the leader replacing him would be a born again Christian.)

Many times we hear words like this and then sit back to watch what happens. Sometimes even judgmentally to see if it is an accurate word! But this word is about the Church being God’s legislative assembly. Such a word is conditional and dependent on us playing our part. We are being called to exercise our authority to forbid what is forbidden in heaven, and to only allow, that which is allowed in heaven. This is for our homes, workplaces, churches, cities and governments.

We don’t have authority to ‘make-up’ a list of things to forbid or allow. It is not about praying our soulish wish list or our political preferences. Rather we have authority to forbid what God forbids from heaven! God has already given us the list in Revelation 21 and 22, Galatians 5 and several other passages. We have authority to forbid: sorcery, witchcraft, immorality, perversion, murder, idolatry, lies, cowardice, unbelieving, un-forgiveness, and impurity.

When we use our authority to forbid evil, we will see the crown of the Lord and His scepter removed from the hands of those who oppose the things God loves, and placed into the hands of the righteous. I have seen this outworked dramatically when witchcraft was operating in our neighborhood.

Spiritually, prophetically and politically, there are indicators of God’s hand on Australia right now. There are many more, but here are a few;

  • New Prime Minister. Suddenly, unexpectedly, amidst great turmoil, and without an election, Australia got a new Prime Minister, and a person who is a Pentecostal Christian. God raise up kings and puts down kings. The sudden elevation of Scott Morrison (Scomo) to PM is a sign of the supernatural shift for Australia.
  • Homecoming events in Australia saw representatives come from China, and many of the Asian nations, and many from the Pacific Islands. Each nation came to stand along with indigenous, white Australians, and Torres Strait islanders for a oneness at such a kairos time. Every international visitor said “Australia it is your time, we are here to stand with you”. Repentance was made for sins between people groups. Prayers were prayed for healing and restoration.
  • Awakening Australia at the Marvel stadium (previously Etihad stadium) in Melbourne is seeing churches come together to pray, worship and share the love of Jesus. Great responses to street evangelism are occurring.

There are so many more examples, yet these three reveal a shift-taking place governmentally and in the Church. It represents healing for the church to come into unity to love one another, and to be one in sharing the good news. All three are vital for us to be the church Jesus died for—His ekklesia, His legislative assembly. It is not about the Church becoming political but to exercise our spiritual authority in the Spirit realm. When we spiritually take our place to govern in the Spirit we act as a rudder to the nation!

Will Scott Morrison remain PM? Will the scepter and crown over Victoria change in the upcoming election? Will the “Awakening Australia” event be just another event or will it really be a defining moment of resurrection and reformation? Will we resist terrorist jihad from our nation? Will we see justice in our nation? Will our nation stand with Israel?

These are dependent on you and I understanding and taking up our call to be part of the real Church—the ekklesia. If Gods’ people legislate with one voice that unrighteousness is forbidden and with one voice, legislate for righteousness, then changes will occur that defy media and ‘expert’ expectations.

Regardless of where you live, will you join us to forbid unrighteousness in Victoria and Australia in this next week? Forbid witchcraft to influence minds and for shalom to guide every voter. Forbid lies and unbelief as we release truth and faith in Almighty God.

C’mon Australia, the Lord needs you!

© 2018 Ruth Webb



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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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