During February 2023, we had a glimpse of the end-time 'battle of the bands". For many years the Lord had been showing me the end-times contest will also be manifested in music and sound. 


battle of the bands

It would not be in the sense of a competition to see which band plays the best music, but in the sense of a dispute or conflict—a spiritual battle. The spiritual battle is over worship. Who will mankind worship?The worship battle rages for the hearts and minds of mankind. The volume and intensity of each band is rising. Intimacy with the Lord is growing stronger, so too is the anger and rage against God and His people.

On February 5th, at The Grammy Awards, the song "UNHOLY" exalted demons, and transgenderism, calling for worship according to Revelation 13:7-8. Three days later (yep, the all important 3rd day!), on February 8th, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit broke out at Asbury and has spread nation wide!!! And is still going! And this move features non-stop worship and prayer! And its breaking out wherever people are hungry for His Presence. No famous worship band, no lights, no fog machine, no overheads, no restrictions, no agendas, just raw pressing into God. 

On social media one person said; “Satan takes Hollywood and says, “the world will worship me for 5 minutes.” Three days later its like God says, “Nope. I, the Lord Almighty. the King of all Kings, I have the FINAL SAY!!!”

Not only is this a demonstration of the importance of sound in this season, but which sounds are more effective—and last longer! In an interview after the Grammy awards, Kim Petras, indicated she had ‘tried religion, and was not wanted’! She was clearly angry and felt judged or rejected! And “Unholy” was the perfect vehicle for her.  

Demonic worship and sounds will get more strident and shocking. But whatever seductive sounds the enemy throws up - the sounds of worship are growing louder and longer as hungry souls press in to seek the Lord's Presence above everything else. The sounds of heaven will overcome and defeat the sounds of the world, the flesh and the devil! 

One person who got into Asbury College described, "sweet Presence of God and I can’t stop weeping". An intercessor summed it up: “TRANQUIL! No selfish ambitions amongst the young people, just love and peace.” 

ARE WE HUNGRY FOR HIS PRESENCE? ENOUGH TO STAY UNTIL...?This is a challenge for God’s people right now.

To understand the battle of the bands, and the kinds of worship of the end-times, we must see the book of Revelation differently. It is not just about timelines, dragons, beasts and anti-Christ. The book is essentially an unveiling of Jesus—who is finally revealed as triumphant King of kings and Lord of lords.  

And in the midst of His Church He prepares her for the wedding supper of the Lamb, and together they successfully wage war on the old serpent, dragon, beast and followers.

There are two ‘endtime bands” battling for the hearts of mankind to worship.

Actually, I don’t really like using the term ‘band’ for godly worship—it has worldly connotations. However the term graphically conveys the idea of sounds that are in ‘competition’ to each other.

  • Music is basically ordered sound. And it is made up of frequencies, rhythms, harmonies and tone colours. God created these as a unique vessel to worship Him. However, Lucifer, heavens ex-worship leader, literally hijacked this beautiful gift. Today it can be, and is, used for both good and evil.
  • There are sounds that originate from God Himself. These come out of heaven and contain the frequency of glory–literally the light and sound of heaven!

The first ‘band’ is made up of the true worshippers of God, both in heaven and on earth. The second band is made up of worshippers seduced and enticed by fame and fortune at the hand of Mystery Babylon.

Heavenly sounds and worship of heaven have already affected history. Most revivals have been surrounded by such sounds. Scripturally it is also a pattern. The sounds and music are beautiful, powerful, bring change and are eternal.

  • The sound of God’s voice thundered from heaven and brought order out of chaos at creation. (Genesis 1)
  • The sound of God’s voice thundered at Mt Sinai as He revealed Himself to Israel. (Exodus 19 and 20)
  • King David replicated the worship of heaven when he established the Tabernacle in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 16)
  • David’s order for worship continued into the Temple built by Solomon. (2 Chronicles 5)
  • Sounds from heaven shook Jerusalem and birthed the early church. (Acts 2)
  • Book of Revelation reveals every believer on earth and heaven in worship of God. (Revelation 5:13)
  • Book of Revelation reveals a unique sound of worship by saints who have been faithful and persecuted. They produce a sound of victory, having overcome the antichrist. (Revelation 15:2-3)
  • Powerful sound of heaven are described as like many waters; filled with life and joy and celebration. These sounds surround the throne of God 24/7 and provide the atmosphere Almighty God chooses for His eternal home. (Revelation 14:2; 19:6)
  • Sounds of heaven continue eternally, surrounding the throne room of God.


In contrast, the sounds of Mystery Babylon are vile, deadly, and seductive—but thankfully, short lived.

  • Mystery Babylon has a band? Her judgement is that her musical instruments will be - SILENCED! For her instruments and noise to be stopped means they have to exist first! (Revelation 18:22)
  • Mystery Babylon and the Beast have one objective—to get all of mankind to worship the dragon! (Revelation 13:4, 7-8)
  • The sound of Mystery Babylon is a cacophony of seduction. It uses music and wealth as instruments of sorcery to seduce nations. (Revelation 18: 23-24)
  • Firstly, sorcery is a form of witchcraft though specific objects—music is one of them. Secondly, in Greek, sorcery is the word pharmakia, which is literally pharmacy. Sorcery operates through drugs, both illicit drugs and the exorbitant money machine of big pharma. And big money is also connected to human trafficking. (Revelation 18:11- 13)

The example at the Grammy’s is only one example. Read my book “Restoring True Worship” and I site many more. And beyond music, sound is also used in other circumstances, both positive and negative.

Positively, music is used in therapy to help soothe troubled souls—like David playing his harp for Saul. Sound is also used for medical processes, serious industrial cleaning—like aircraft.

Negatively, music is used in war to torment prisoners of war and the like. Loud speakers with blaring rock music were played by military to drive Iraqi soldiers out of their rabbit holes during the Gulf War (1991).

In February 2022, my husband and I and many thousands of Australians were in Canberra for the freedom truck convoys protesting the lockdowns and draconian laws destroying lives. The ACT police were questioned within Parliament about their use of sound against protestors.

On 22/2/22 Rebel News reported: “The Australian Capital Territory Policing admitted that they used a Long Range Acoustic Device (also known as a LRAD) during the Canberra Convoy Freedom rallies outside Parliament House.

LRADs have been employed in military settings, such as by the United States in 2004, as a form of non-lethal combat. An LRAD was used against crowds at the 2009 G20 summit in its weaponised mode, causing serious and permanent injuries. It was also reported to have been used against the Occupy Oakland crowd in 2011.” (https://www.rebelnews.com/police_confirm_use_of_controversial_lrad_device_at_canberra_protest)

For us to be part of the end-time victorious sounds—music must be aligned with heaven and in the flow of Holy Spirit.

Do the sounds you listen to; belong to Babylon or heaven? Which ‘band’ will you be influenced by or join in its chorus?

© 2023 Ruth Webb

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The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is prophecy being fulfilled. Restoration began when Peter first ministered to the Gentiles. The Jewish Apostles were grappling with the concept that the Gospel was also for the Gentiles.

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