In part one we recognized that:

  • We are in a time of great spiritual and natural war.
  • Using weapons not from God are not only ineffective they are also dangerous! This is even more critical during a season of chaos, and intense spiritual and natural war,
  • We considered five carnal practices to be avoided! Sadly, used too often.

 Spiritual Warfare 101 Part 2

The good news is the Lord has given us extremely powerful spiritual weapons that are effective against the enemy. In the face of a natural enemy, our flesh will question the effectiveness of such weapons. And that is the point; they are weapons for Spirit-led warfare! So in part two, we examine five powerful spiritual weapons.
It is wise to apply the five “do not’s” in tandem with the five “do’s”!



In Revelation 12 there is combat with the arch nemesis of God and His people: “the great dragon…that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world”(Rev 12:6)

It is a time of war in heaven, then on earth. The key weapon to defeat the dragon is revealed in verse 11; “And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

The Passover Lamb, Jesus defeated every work of the devil. The language contained in Revelation 12 is victorious! If the kingdom of darkness had realised the wisdom of God—they would never have crucified the Lord of glory! The message of the cross is the power of God. The cross is God’s wisdom, confounding our flesh and the demonic realm.

The blood of the Lamb is crucial to overcome every scheme and accusation of the dragon, the devil. We overcome the enemy by giving testimony to what the blood has done for us. His blood has redeemed us out of the hand of the devil! His blood has bought our deliverance and healing. Jesus was separated from His Father at the cross so we can have intimacy in the Holy of Holies. When we repent of being in agreement with the devil, the blood of Jesus cleanses us of all sin and iniquity.

Jesus said His disciples would take up their cross daily. The application of the blood of Jesus to our soul (will, thoughts and emotions) is the only way we can surrender totally to God and resist the devil—regardless of the cost.

KEY # 2 BE IN HIM    “In Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28 )

Being hidden and protected by the Lord, as promised in Psalm 27 and 91, are conditional. We must abide in the vine. When we are hidden in Christ, then we have a safe refuge under His wings. This it where it’s hard for the devil to find us! To stay hidden and safe requires us to remain in the secret place. In His Presence we are transformed, sanctified, and most importantly, become more like Him.

    We must know the Lord as He really is, and not how we think He is. Without this, we will have a defective view of God—like a cardboard cutout. A flawed perception of God will not help us, especially in a time of war! We can not have just head knowledge, it must also be experiential. When we bow before His throne—we encounter Him and discover who He really is. We get to know the reality of His character (often found in His names). And we discover His character is the opposite of the character of the devil!
    We must war according to who God He seeks mercy and redemption not retaliation. God speaks truth and life, the devil speaks slander, lies, fear and death.

At the Red Sea, the Lord gave Israel clear instructions: position yourselves, be ready, and wait. Obedience was key. They were still in danger!

In Exodus 15:3 the Lord reveals Himself with the names Adonai, Yehovah, Yahweh – and identifies Himself as a man of war! He promised He would go forth as a mighty warrior to destroy His Egyptian enemies and deliver Israel. He was fighting on their behalf!

According to Romans 9:17-18 the Lord raised up Pharaoh, so that God could display His power and glory to all the earth! God’s power and glory was revealed to Israel, to the demonic realm and all mankind!

Spiritual warfare is essentially about His battles—not ours! We may feel like we are the target, and we may be a main player, but ultimately, they are His battles! Having this perspective is very helpful to maintaining a right attitude in the midst of warfare.

Not only is God a man of war, the most frequent name for Him in the Bible is “Lord of Hosts”. He is the one in charge of the Hosts of heaven—heavens fighting force!

While facing Goliath, David confidently went into battle knowing he went “in the name of the Lord of Hosts”. David knew God was commander in chief. David had learned this before during his encounters in worship and fighting lions and bears. So when facing Goliath, David reminded Goliath that God was fighting this battle! He could speak it with conviction and authority! He knew this was truth.

In Revelation 19 Jesus rides a white horse into battle, leading the Hosts of heaven. “14 And the armies in heaven… followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations.” (Rev 19: 14-15 NKJV)

The chapter ends describing Jesus, the King of kings, and His heavenly army riding to war against “19 the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies”. Jesus and the Hosts of heaven finally defeat all the nations opposing Him. It’s so important we grasp the victory language of the book of Revelation! And adopt the victorious heart position. We can speak victoriously as we recognize, and follow heaven’s example. Heaven will not fight a war in a way that contradicts the character of God, or His word! Heaven will not fight in a way that contradicts His will. “God puts up kings and puts down kings.”

  • PUT ON HIS ARMOUR – When in a war zone, we must suit up in the armour God supplies! Ephesians 6 describes the protection needed in warfare. This passage also lists defensive, and offensive weapons. Sometimes the best defense is offense!
    Intimacy is a vital aspect to putting on the armour, it’s not just about prayerfully reciting the list Paul gave us.
    Another way of powerfully ”putting on” the armour of God is considering Song Of Solomon 1:2 “the kisses of His mouth”. His kisses refer to God’s love, His life-giving breath. It’s a similar word for putting on the armour. As we draw near to Him, intimately “know Him” and receive His love breathing into us—this is another precious way to put on the helmet of salvation, belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes of shalom, shield of faith, and wield the sword of the Spirit.
  • LISTEN AND OBEY In a natural army, air force or navy; not listening to, or obeying an order is a very serious violation. In a time of war, violating orders and command can have serious consequences. Acting independently can endanger the whole unit.
    The Church really needs to learn from the way natural military forces adhere to and operate through a chain of command, and discipline. We need the disciplines to submit and obey. Submit to God first, then resist the devil and he will flee!
  • Spiritual Warfare 101


Worship in Spirit and Truth is first and foremost about us presenting an offering to Him. But He receives it, and in His hands is inexplicably transformed into a powerful weapon.
In worship we draw near to Him, are hidden in Him, transformed by Him. The testimony of a rebel being transformed by the Lord and offering true worship is indeed powerful against the enemy, who perpetually entraps mankind to bow to false gods. The Lord has chosen to utilize true worship in His war against His enemies. The Song of Solomon depicts us ascending in worship and descending in war.

“To His bride He says ⁸ come with Me as we climb The highest peaks together…Come with Me through the archway of trust, We will look down…from the summit…Together we will wage war. 9 For you reach into My heart. With one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love, By merely a glance from your worshipping eyes…you have stolen My heart. I’m held hostage by your love…” (Song of Solomon 4:8-9 TPT)

We climb the Mountain of God together with Him. The Mountain is a picture of His Presence. We ascend with Him in intimacy, and then with Him, wage war. Intimacy in His Presence is vital for safe and effective warfare. And we see here how the Lord uses worship in warfare—our worshipping eyes and heart so touches His heart! What extraordinary concept! This idea is seen also in Psalm 110 where Messiah is dealing with all His enemies. He gains His strength from His beloved ones. He feasts on our worship to strengthen Him.

True worshippers are those who acknowledge who God is—Creator and King of the Universe, and Mighty Redeemer. In response to being in awe of Him—His holy nature, they bow before Him, submit to Him. They are those who exalt Him and sing praises from an overflowing heart. In a time of war, in the face of enemies and trouble, worship reveals a heart that trusts in the Lord. It is ‘childlike’ trust. Such praise touches the heart of God. Such praise terrifies the devil and activates the hosts of heaven.

“You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies. Strength rises up with the   chorus of singing children. This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.” (Psalm 8:2 TPT)

“I will proclaim the victory of the God of Jacob. My melodies of praise will make him known. My praises will break the powers of wickedness while the righteous will be promoted and become powerful!” (Psalm 75:9-10 TPT )

In 2020, and in fact, for this decade—2 Chronicles 20:21-22 has become a Scripture the Lord has been highlighting for spiritual warfare. In this passage, many enemies surrounded Israel. The King called the nation to fast and pray. The Lord showed them to send out worshippers in front of the army. So King Jehoshaphat…

“Appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: “Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever.” 22 Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against” the enemies of Israel,” (2 Chronicles 20:21-22a NKJV )

The worshippers simply, and I imagine with some trepidation, declared the goodness of God. It was not a complicated song—but a powerful one! This activated Adonai the man of war and the hosts of heaven. It resulted in the enemy being ‘ambushed’ and they turned on each other. Singing praise aligns heaven and earth in a powerful synergy.

Another pictorial incident or teaching takes place in Isaiah 30. The Lord’s chosen weapon against some fierce enemies – is a tambourine and harp!

“For through the voice of the Lord Assyria will be beaten down, As He strikes with the rod    32 And in every place where the staff of punishment passes, Which the Lord lays on him, It will be with tambourines and harps; And in battles of brandishing He will fight with it. (Isaiah 30 31:32 NKJV )

The voice of the Lord is often represented by thunder and or the shofar. Assyria is the region we know as northern Iraq and south-eastern Turkey. The rod is seen in in Messiah’s hand in Psalm 1, and in Revelation 19:15, Jesus has a rod of iron to rule nations. There is much more to this Scripture—but it begins with a song in the night, the voice of the Lord, and He punishes these rebel nations by striking them with tambourines and harp.

This is another vivid Biblical example of praise warfare, confirming that worship is a vital, godly, spiritual weapon of war. I would suggest that worship is the highest, and purest form of warfare—because true worship requires all the elements of spiritual weapons together. When the focus and dependence of man is totally on the Lord—it is potent to the enemy. We can testify of many supernatural interventions after long deep worship.

Psalm 149 (a teaching in itself) provides another dramatic picture. 6 “their shouted praises are their weapons of war”. The Psalmist says combining sung praise with wielding the sword (the Word), are warring weapons to deal with every resistant power! A study of the Hebrew words reveals this releases God’s flaming arrows. Praise filled warriors enforce the judgments that God has decreed against His enemies.

The list of armour is completed in Ephesians 6:17-18 by itemizing the last two spiritual weapons: “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”

The Word, prayer, and worship are really inseparable. Because they interrelate, we often confuse the definitions of prayer, praise and worship. In Revelation 8:5, the elders around the throne have a harp in one hand and a bowl in the other. The harp represents praise and worship. The bowl represents prayer and decrees of the Word. Our two hands are meant to work together to complement. As a pianist, having my two hands working together is vital!



For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4: 12)

To keep our warfare in the Spirit, rather than earth bound, we need the Word of God. It separates between our soul and Spirit—even intentions that hide deep within! It is a powerful weapon, a sword that cuts every which way.

But we must pray the Word as directed by Holy Spirit, not just quote some random Scripture or dictated by our own will. The devil also quotes Scripture to twist and deceive. In the wilderness, Jesus answered the devils misquotes with; ‘it is written’. Jesus used the Word powerfully as a sword to silence the devil’s temptations. We too must learn to wield the sword skillfully, rather than with wild swings with a hit or miss. To be able to use it as a sword, we must read it and know it, so we can proclaim it and sing it.


Jesus said; “I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, to forbid on earth what is forbidden in heaven, and release on earth that which is released in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18-19 NKJV & TPT)

The Greek word for church is ‘ekklesia’, which is literally a ‘legislative assembly’. The Church is meant to be a governing body exercising authority. When we gather as the Body of Christ, we should have the same mindset as MP’s and Senators turning up to Parliament expecting to legislate! Keys open and close doors and gates. Authority is given to the ekklesia to close the gates of hell. But we can only forbid, or allow, according to what God Himself forbids or allows in heaven[1]. We don’t get to make up the list! We are not God! Any list we would make would be ‘carnal”. God has already determined the boundaries of heaven. And these boundaries align with who He is! Nothing contrary to His nature and character is allowed into heaven! Various translations use different words: bind and loose, forbid and release, prohibit or permit. Basically the ekklesia have keys to stop the demonic, and to permit and release what aligns with God, and is allowed in heaven.


Angels hear us speak the word, and this activates them into action. They perform, and do the Scripture they hear us speaking or singing! “Angels” ‘perform His word, upon hearing the utterance of His Word” (Psalm 103:20 TLV )

If we want our warfare to send angels on assignment: we must first know the word, believe it, stand on it, pray, decree, and sing the Word!


Non-stop prayer! No prayer, no victory. No prayer, no revival. At the best of times we need to pray without ceasing. In a time of war, it is imperative. Non-stop prayer requires us to be in constant communion with the Lordand yes, even as we sleep! I have been known to engage in spiritual warfare in my dreams!

There are two very effective ways to pray:

   (a) Prayer Language This ensures our prayer stays in the Spirit. We often don’t know     ‘how’ to pray. Beginning with praise and prayer in the Spirit is very effectual to get clarity and direction from the Lord. Praying and singing in tongues is like taking off in a jet where you quickly lift out and above earthly matters and ascend into heavenly places. Such warfare is efficient to pull down strongholds and gain victory over the gates of hell.  

   (b) Pray the Word – as inspired by Holy Spirit. It is effective and accurate. Angels are    activated. His Word will not return void but accomplish what it’s sent to do. It releases healing and deliverance. (Psalm 107:20)

WAR IN THE HEAVENLIES IS A REALITY. It impacts us whether we like it or not. But the Lord has provided us with everything we need, both to resist and to be victorious.

“We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as we choose complete obedience. ” (2 Corinthians 10:5,6 TPT)

Let us learn to wield His spiritual weapons that are mighty for pulling down all of the strongholds of the enemy. Then having done all—we can stand in faith, in position, in shalom and wait for Him to fight on our behalf. The battle belongs to the Lord.
The victory is His!

© 2022 Ruth Webb

[1] Lists of what is not permitted are found in Revelation 21:8, 27 Rev 22:3,11, Galatians 5:19-21 Colossians 3:5-9

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