Saturday 25th Febraury: 1pm END-TIME WORSHIP AND INTERCESSION.
Revival worship is breaking out among hungry worshippers. Are you hungry for more of Him?
Whatever your affiliation, join us for throne-room worship and linger in His Presence...and hear His voice.
One person who got into Asbury College described "sweet Presence of God and I cant stop weeping". An intercessor summed it up: TRANQUIL! No selfish ambitions amongst the young people, just love and peace.
This move of God features non-stop worship and prayer! And its breaking out wherever people are hungry for His Presence. There are no famous worship band, no lights, no fog machine, no overheads, no restrictions, no agendas, just raw pressing into God.
During February 2023 we have had a glimpse of the endtime 'battle of the bands"
Demonic worship and sounds will get more strident and shocking. But whatever seductive sounds the enemy throws up - the sounds of worship are growing louder and longer as hungry souls press in to seek the Lord's Presence above everything else.
The sounds of heaven will overcome and defeat the sounds of the world, the flesh and the devil!
For more about the "Battle of the Bands" continue reading here.
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