Saturday 25th August
Prophetic Throne-room Worship is a privilege, powerful and we are often surprised by the signs, wonders and confirmations.
Discover what He is doing, yet we cant see!
In a time of great distress, His Presence is refuge. Its a place of comfort, rest, rejuvenation and re-focus.
- The Lord is calling us to arise and be His ekklesia - His legislative assembly.
Important things are happening in our nation and He needs His Church to be the head and not the tail! What is His #1 thing for us to pray?
Drought / rain? Political stability? Families? Church? - Spring is around the corner...and so is the new Jewish / Biblical year. It is vital to prepare. Through prayer and repentance to be positioned for the new wine and new wineskin.
We are preparing for new season of harp ministry in September meeting. - Despite what we see in the earth...the Lord is causing us to look up..and to give us a fresh anointing on our eyes so we see what He IS often different to what we cant see yet!